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girls and women in public space, workshops and exhibition, a project by Jana Beckmann, Sarah Drain and Janna Nikoleit, Hamburg - Harburg, 2021

Within the project DA SIND WIR* 01 14-16 year old participants from Goethe-Schule-Harburg researched urban public space in the center of Hamburg Harburg live and online. They developed artistic interventions and turned their own experiences and perspectives into an exhibition in public space.

"We renamed streets, researched creepy places, looked where beautiful places are and made our own statements outside. We exchanged ideas about feminism and sheroes. We all created this exhibition together to ask you questions and make you think about how and what Harburg is for you." *

“There are lots of streets named after old and boring men, whom nobody knows, let’s start small by beginning to change this…” **

The exhibition invites visitors to look at urban public space from the perspective of the participants, to gain insights into their artistic actions and to engage with the topic of ‘women in public space’ themselves.



/ a project by Jana Beckmann, Sarah Drain and Janna Nikoleit together with students from Goethe-Schule-Harburg
/ in cooperation with: Bücherhalle Harburg and Goethe-Schule-Harburg
/ supported by: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Harburg District Office, Local Partnerships for Democracy Harburg, Foundation of Eisenbahnbauverein Harburg eG, SAGA GWG Neighbourhood Foundation, Verfügungsfonds Lebendige Zentren, Harburg City Centre / Eißendorf-Ost, Bücherhallen Hamburg, Foundation of Sparkasse Harburg-Buxtehude

/ Workshop 3 »Creepy Orte« and 4 »Sichtbar werden, sichtbar bleiben« were supported by: „Kultur macht stark“, Bundesministerium für Forschung und Bildung, It’s your Parti-cipation, Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk.

/ Photo: Lucia Bartl

/ * from the exhibition leaflet written by participants

/ ** from one participant's explanation about why her street should be renaimed

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